Come and discover this incredible breed! The LAIKA of IAKOUTIE
It's a dog... sled dogs
The Laika of Yakutia is part of group 5 and has been recognised by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale for a period of 10 years.
In Europe, particularly in France, this breed has attracted more than 800 families. In Canada, it is still rare and not very visible.
They live up to 15 years, weigh between 18 and 30 kg, and moult twice: once to grow hair (in winter), once to shed it (in summer). They are gregarious dogs, hunters, curious and explorers.
Their exploits and history...
These dogs originated in the far east of Russia, and grew up lost between bear country, the mountains and wild rivers, in contact with the indigenous people. They enabled their ancestors to hunt, guard the village and carry out transport and travel using their pulling power.
Three teams were assembled in 2018 to cover 1500 km in 1 week in Yakutia at 10 km/h in optimal conditions.
Since then, several sports teams have been set up around the world.
Book your dates: 16 to 22 December 2024 - 26 December to 5 January 2025 - 9 February to 12 March 2025
Information: Tel: +33 (0)6 51 58 29 11
Victoire, a French breeder under the Polar Souls affix, first devoted her first two years to professional mushing, teaching tourists how to drive.
She was lucky enough to be able to share this experience with her first Laika from Yakutia, who thus benefited from an ideal environment in which to get started, surrounded by other breeds of sled dog.
sled dogs. Victoire very quickly realised that there were points to work on and qualities to keep in this beautiful breed, which she has been breeding with care, rigour and passion since 2018.
To adopt a puppy of the breed contact: Polar Souls - Elevage de Laïka de Iakoutie FCI depuis 2018