Val de Tamié

Profiles in the Val de Tamié

February 20, 2020

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Christopher and Emmanuelle, our agents from the Val de Tamié


Christopher LIGEON

Responsible assistant of the exploitation

Skilful and responsible, Christopher is in charge of the gestion and the maintenance of the area : tamping the snow, manual works, ... He is the handyman of the Val de Tamié!

Phone: 04 50 32 49 97

Mobile phone: 07 76 69 89 97 



Emmanuelle DAVIET

In charge of commercialisation

Happy and volunteer, Emmanuelle is the one that will welcome you. She is also in charge of the events, of the rented chalets, and of the multi-purpose room Michel Levet. Without her, say goodbye to any activities or fun !

Phone: 04 50 32 49 97

Mobile phone: 07 76 69 89 97

Weather report
Weather report
Wind direction :
Wind speed : km/h
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